SILK Fluegge Audition | MUK Wien

SILK Fluegge Audition | MUK Wien

    SILK Fluegge is searching for female and male dancers, actors and musicians with physical skills for new projects in 2016. Please send the CV with picture and current residency place as well as link to video to:, no registration fee...
Show your skillz 2016 | Linz

Show your skillz 2016 | Linz

Datum | 9. Jänner 2016 Ort | Arkade Linz Beginn | 14.00 Veranstalter | Kooperation von DANCEproject und Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Show your skillz ist eine urban Tanzveranstaltung mit Workshops, Battles und einer Party. Kern der Gesamtveranstaltung ist die...
RISK BATTLE 4  – Breakbattle 05.12.2016 | Feldkirch

RISK BATTLE 4 – Breakbattle 05.12.2016 | Feldkirch

RISK BATTLE 4 ‚NO RISK – NO FUN‘ – Quote of the Risk Battle Winner 2014! In cooperation with ONE STEP AHEAD Hip Hop Danceassociation and Offene Jugendarbeit Rankweil! For the fourth time, the well-known B-Boy/B-Girl Festival from Venezuela will...